The Smart Band will detect your sleep status automatically and will record your sleep pattern. When you wake up the next day, be sure to pair your device via Bluetooth and then sync your band with the App using the sync button on the dashboard.
You should then be able to analyze the previous day's sleep data.
From the dashboard choose the Activity Alarm button.
Set up Start time, End time, Interval and click SAVE. The Band alerts you if it
detects inactivity for your preset time interval within the time period specified.
Please make sure the Smart Band time format matches the time format on your smart phone.
From the dashboard, choose 'Track Your Route' botton.
Click on 'Start Run' before starting on your jog/walk and then on 'Stop Run' when you are done.
Click 'Save' to track your daily route.
To view the saved track: In track your route page, click settings on the top right corner.
To share your route: In 'My Routes' tap on saved route and press the upload button on the top right corner to share your information on various social media platforms.