Setup Instructions:

Please note, the LYCOS Life NFC Smart Ring connects to the Android App using NFC technology and not Bluetooth and is designed to use the following two modules: Security Manager Module & NFC Tag Module

Security Manager Module

  • For How-To Videos Click Here
  • With this module, you can manage all your passwords and security PINs clubbed into a single PIN on your mobile device, which can be unlocked using your primary NFC key or your four digit PIN

Lock & Unlock Security Manager Session

  • Select ‘Close Security Session' from the options menu (top-right corner).
  • To lock/ unlock the security session, type the 4 digit PIN or approach the LYCOS Life key on your ring to the phone.
  • If your band has not been set up with a LYCOS Life key, choose the options menu on the top right corner of the Security Manager screen and choose 'Sync NFC key to NFC tag'. This will open a window to write the Tag on the ring.
  • Approach your phone close to the Ring to write the LYCOS Life Key on Ring.

NFC Tags Module

  • For How-To Videos Click Here
  • Tags are used to share your Business Card, Email, Telephone Number, Social Network etc; with other NFC enabled devices through T2T technology.

Write NFC Tags

  • Select 'NFC Tags' button on the dashboard.
  • Select '+' to view the available options.
  • From the Write Content screen, select the desired type of tag you'd like to write, a business card or a telephone number etc.
  • Enter the information and select 'Confirm Write' (from top-right corner).
  • You will be navigated to 'Write Tag' to write the entered tag information on the Ring/another NFC tag.
  • Storing will begin when you approach the back side of your phone to the NFC tag on your ring.
  • Once the information is written on Ring, you will hear a beep along with the notification, 'NFC Tag Synced'.

Format NFC Tags

  • From the NFC screen, select the menu options on the top-right corner and select 'Format Tag'.
  • Now approach the NFC tag to the back side of the phone to clear the tag information.